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Appeal to All Europeans To Prevent War Against Iran By Michel Rocard, Yehuda Atai and Jean-Marie Matagne Published 18 November 2007 Under the title « Europeans, let us prevent the war against Iran », the daily “Libération” devoted a full page of its Friday 16 November 2007 edition to this appeal launched by MICHEL ROCARD, former French Prime minister, Member of the European Parliament, YEHUDA ATAI, member of the Israeli committee for a Middle East without weapons of mass destruction" and executive secretary of the "Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood" (MN3) network, and Jean-Marie MATAGNE, doctor in Philosophy, president of the Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes (ACDN). Warnings are coming from all sides : the USA is on a war footing, ready to bomb Iran. It is said that they are waiting only for the presidential order. At the start of October 2007, dozens of US personalities - political, religious, military, intellectual or artistic figures - appealed to the chiefs of staff, officers and soldiers of the USA to refuse any order to attack Iran. This unprecedented appeal underlines how real the risk is of war breaking out in the coming days, weeks or months, and how imperative it is to forestall this risk. That is why we are supporting that appeal launched across the Atlantic, which we wish to extend to Europe. The invasion of Iraq by the US-led coalition was contrary to the UN Charter and has turned out to be catastrophic. Any aggression against Iran would be just as illegal and even more catastrophic. The UN Charter states in Article II, § 4 : « All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. » As the authors of the aforementioned US appeal point out, Iran has not attacked the USA, and the USA has signed the UN Charter, therefore any US attack on Iran would be illegal under international law and also under the US Constitution, which recognises treaties as part of the nation’s supreme law - and binding on all, of course, including military personnel, who have pledged allegiance to the Constitution. These remarks are equally valid for the rulers, armed forces and citizens of the European members of the UN, whether or not they are NATO allies of the USA. We therefore appeal to them to refuse in advance to cooperate in such a war, whether by giving political, economic or military assistance or by logistic support. The ongoing war in Iraq is causing thousands of deaths among armed personnel, and hundreds of thousands in the civilian population. It is an ecological and health catastrophe which is far from being properly measured. It fuels the hatred, fanaticism and terrorism which it was supposed to combat. An attack on Iran, irrespective of its specific targets, methods and initial scale, would considerably aggravate the situation and produce similar results, not to mention its disastrous effects on the world economy. There would be even worse effects if the crazy idea of using tactical nuclear weapons - which exist - were implemented to prevent Iran from building, despite its denials, some nuclear weapons (of which the recent IAEA inspections found no trace.) The proud people of Iran maintained, under the mullahs’ leadership, an eight-year war against the aggressions of Saddam Hussein. Another attack on Iran is no way to woo the people away from such leaders. The killing of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Iranians is no way to improve respect for human rights. The attempt to sell nuclear technology to every nation except Iran is no way to convince Iran to renounce such technology. The retention and modernisation of nuclear weapons, as is the current policy of the USA, France and the UK (plus Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Israel), is no way to force Iran to renounce them. And the continuing disrespect of Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty is no way for the nuclear-weapons states to demand anything of the treaty’s other signatories, including Iran. Non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament go together. It is urgently necessary for this point to be admitted. Indeed, only if the International Community commits itself to negotiated nuclear disarmament as required by Article VI of the NPT does it have some prospects of seeing Iran offer concrete and verifiable guarantees (if such things exist) that it will not ever obtain any nuclear weapon. This virtuous spiral should at the same time dissuade other states in the region from wanting to "proliferate", and should lead other de facto nuclear states like Israel, Pakistan and India, to commit themselves also to the path towards a world freed from all nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, in the Middle East as elsewhere. To refuse war now does not therefore mean accepting the status quo or postponing war till tomorrow. On the contrary, it is a means of giving diplomats time, opportunity and the imperative to produce a global solution of peace and security for all the states and all the peoples of the Middle East, and beyond them for the whole planet. It is away of avoiding new bloodshed. It will allow reason to prevail, and allow our children and grandchildren to live in a world that is less violent, more just and more human. Without war, without nuclear arms or nuclear threats. Europe can contribute to this. Europeans must stand against the approaching war. — Dr. Yehuda Atai, Israeli, editor of "the world of the Bible", is a member of the Israeli committee for a Middle East without weapons of mass destruction" and executive secretary of the "Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood" (MN3) network. Jean-Marie Matagne, Doctor in Philosophy, author of a thesis on “Two Kinds of Power” and the “balance of terror”, is president of the Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes (ACDN) and to highlight this cause ran as a candidate in the 2002 French presidential election. Cet appel a reçu le soutien de / This appeal is supported by Elus / Elected people Alain LIPIETZ, député européen, vice-président du Parlement Euro-Latinoamérician (groupe Verts/ALE) (FRANCE) Eloi GLORIEUX, Member of the Regional Flemish Parliament for the Flemish Green Party "Groen!", Hoeilaart (BELGIUM) Wouter DE VRIENDT, Member House of Representatives Belgium (political party: Groen!), Brussel (BELGIUM) Geri MÜLLER, Vice-president, City of Baden, Member of Swiss Parliament (SWITZERLAND) Erkki TUOMIOJA, MP, Foreign Minister of Finland 2000-2007, President of the Nordic Council 2008 (FINLAND) Dominique VOYNET, Sénatrice de Seine-St-Denis, Ancienne ministre de l’Environnement, Les Verts (FRANCE) Jacques MULLER, sénateur du Haut-Rhin, maire de Wattwiller (FRANCE) Jérôme GLEIZES, conseiller municipal de Paris (10e), membre de la direction nationale des Verts, enseignant d’économie à l’Université de Paris XIII » (FRANCE) Heidi HAUTALA, MP, former MEP, Green Party (FINLAND) Alima BOUMEDIENE-THIERY, sénatrice (FRANCE) Personnalités / Personalities Hans VON SPONECK, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 1998-2000, former UN Assistant Secretary General (GERMANY) Claus MONTONEN, PhD, Acting Lecturer at Helsinki University (FINLAND) Dr. H. Rosalie BERTELL, Regent, International Physicians for Humanitarian Medicine, Geneva (SWITZERLAND) Wladimir TCHERTKOFF, journaliste, écrivain, réalisateur (SUISSE) Thomas WALLGREN, Adjunct Professor, Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki and Chair, Institute for Peace Education in Finland, Helsinki (FINLAND) Marie-Monique ROBIN, journaliste, écrivain, réalisatrice (FRANCE) ONG, associations, partis, syndicats, Eglises - NGOs, Parties, Unions, Churches English speaking list - Liste anglophone Bjørn HILT, Regional vice president of IPPNW in Europe (NORWAY) Thanasis ANAPOLITANOS, Chairman of the board of the MEDITERRANEAN ANTI NUCLEAR WATCH, Rhodes (GREECE) Derman BOZTOK, MD, IPPNW-Turkey General Secretary and International Councilor (TURKEY) Paolo SCAMPA, President of the Italian Progressive Party (ITALY) Alfred WEBRE, International Director, Institute for Cooperation in Space (CANADA) Alice SLATER, Director, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (USA), signatory of the Appeal to US military against war on Iran (USA) Bruce K. GAGNON, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, signatory of the Appeal to US military against war on Iran (USA) Dave WEBB, Vice Chair CND, Convenor Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, Convenor Yorkshire CND (UK) Wayne HALL, Co-ordinator, Enouranois website (GREECE) Harsh KAPOOR, South Asians Against Nukes (INDIA/FRANCE) Professor em. Marie ÅSBERG, StressRehab KIDS (SWEDEN) Mikael BÖÖK , Coordinator, citizens’ networks (FINLAND) Ak MALTEN, Director, Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance (NETHERLANDS) Tore NAERLAND, Chairman, Bike for Peace (NORWAY) Michael BENTLEY, Chairperson, & Angie ROCHE, Treasurer, Eastbourne for Peace and Liberty (ENGLAND) Hans LAMMERHANT, campaigner, Bombspotting, Gent (BELGIUM) George FAREBROTHER, Secretary, World Court Project UK; Treasurer, Institute for Law, Accountability and Peace; Secretary, Eastbourne for Peace and Liberty; Secretary, Sussex Peace Alliance (UK) Nils AAREKOL, No to nuclear weapons (NORWAY) Laura SAVINKOFF, Chair of The Boundary Peace Initiative (Canadian Peace Alliance) CANADA John HALLAM, People for Nuclear Disarmament, coordinator of the Appeal by 44 Nobel prizewinners on nuke weapons operating status (AUSTRALIA) Luk BRUSSELAERS, Chairman SOS KINDEREN IRAK (NETHERLANDS) Philippe de ROUGEMONT, President Association Noe21, Geneva (SWITZERLAND) Moji AGHA, Founder, Project on Culture and Conflict, University of Arizona, Tucson (U.S.) Barney RICHARDS, National Secretary, New Zealand Peace Council (NEW ZEALAND) Gideon SPIRO, The Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free From Atomic, Biological and Chemical Weapons (ISRAEL) John GILBERT, Coordinator, U.S. Citizens Against War, Florence (ITALY) Liste francophone - French speaking list Catherine MOREAU, secrétaire, Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (FRANCE) André LARIVIERE, Chargé des relations internationales du Réseau “Sortir du nucléaire” (FRANCE) Patrick CHAPUS, président, Association de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine et du Cadre de Vie de Solerieux, 26 Solerieux (FRANCE) Carla GOFFI, membre du CA du Mouvement Chrétien pour la Paix de Belgique, Bruxelles (BELGIQUE) Christophe COUDERT, président de l’association « Cyplien », 31 Toulouse (FRANCE) Alain DUCQ, président, et William DUPRE, secrétaire général du Parti Humaniste (FRANCE) Christian COTTEN, président de « Politique de vie » (FRANCE) Jacques JOLY, président de Français du Monde /ADFE du Japon de l’Ouest (JAPON) Muriel DESLANDES, Coordinatrice, Mouvement Humaniste (FRANCE) Jean Marc BRUNEEL, Président Groupe Non-Violent Louis Lecoin, 59 Dunkerque (FRANCE) André ABEILLON, Président association ALTERN’ INFO (FRANCE) Hervé OTT, responsable de l’institut Le Cun du Larzac (FRANCE) Francis MEULEY, président Planète Odyssée (FRANCE) Jeanne-Henriette LOUIS, Centre Quaker International de Paris (FRANCE) Michèle GILKINET, présidente du GRAPPE (Groupe de Réflexion et d’Action Pour une Politique Ecologique) (BELGIQUE) Maria BIEDRAWA, co-présidente du MIR (Mouvement International de la Réconciliation) (FRANCE) Maurice MONTET, secrétaire, UNION PACIFISTE DE FRANCE Monique SENE, physicienne, présidente du GSIEN (Groupement de Scientifique pour l’Information sur l’Energie Nucléaire) (FRANCE) Claude BASCOMPTE, président des AMIS DE LA TERRE (FRANCE) André BOUNY, président du Comité International de Soutien aux victimes vietnamiennes de l’Agent Orange et au procès de New York (FRANCE) Anna MASSINA, CANVA (Coordination de l’Action Non-Violente de l’Arche de Lanza del Vasto), France Roger ROTH, Alliance Humaniste, Coordination pour le Désarmement et la Paix (FRANCE) Jean VERNEUIL, porte-parole de l’association "Autodétermination-Tibet 09/31" (FRANCE) Anne-Cécile Reimann, présidente de Contr’Atom (SUISSE) Anne SOUYRIS, porte parole nationale et conseillère régionale d’Ile-de-France, Les Verts (FRANCE) Gérard CABY, Les Amis de la Terre-Nord (FRANCE) Citoyens / Citizens Citizens Artemis Iakovidou HAILI, Economist at the Central Bank of Cyprus, CY-2101 Aglantzia (CYPRUS); Citoyens Roger de ANDRADE, retraité, Pluvignier 56
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