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Against All Nuclear Threat ADDRESS to the 2nd RHODES ANTINUCLEAR FESTIVAL And PROTOCOL creating the “Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood” Network Published 28 September 2007 This message was read 28 September to the participants to the 2nd Antinuclear Festival in Rhodes (Greece), on behalf of ACDN as a contribution to the foundation of a new mediterranean antinuclear network. The next day, 29 September 2007, the participants adopted unanimously the protocol creating this “Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood” (MN3) Network, which we are now able and happy to publish below. We hail this event and wish that the future confirm its great importance for the Mediteranean neighbourhood. We welcome the creation, expected for some months now, of a Mediterranean anti-nuclear network. Its formation, on the occasion of this 2nd Rhodes Festival, could not be better timed. In Antiquity, the Greek cities of Asia Minor and continental Greece « sewed a Greek edging » onto the Mediterranean sea by sending sailors, farmers, merchants and artisans to found bases all around the Mediterranean basin. Marseille is one of many cases: founded by colonists from Phocea, this city keeps the proud memory of its Greek origins by continuing to call itself the « Phocean city ». Today, alas, the President of France would like to sew quite a different « edging » around the Mediterranean Sea: an atomic one. Having adopted the excellent idea of a Mediterranean Union, Sarkozy would like this embryonic Union to become a closed market for the export of French nuclear know-how. He had scarcely been elected than he prepared a trip to Tripoli, where he promised Colonel Gaddafi that he would provide him a nuclear plant made in France, under the specious pretext of desalinating sea-water. The shortage of fresh water is a good excuse. France’s good offices, to be paid for in gas and oil, also stretch to an even more vital sector for the Libyan population: the provision of new weapons. Nuclear and military - those words go hand in hand. President Sarkozy’s ambition for the Mediterranean doesn’t stop there: he intends to sell nuclear technology to all the nations of Europe, Africa and Asia... indeed to the entire world. He has just repeated this at New York at the UN General Assembly: "France is ready to aid every country that wishes to obtain civilian nuclear energy. This is not an energy of the future for western nations to which eastern nations do have not right of access. Besides, this is the best answer to give to those who wish, in violation of treaties, to acquire nuclear weapons...” The Mediterranean antinuclear network founded today in Rhodes therefore has work to do. It must refute the sophisms by which the nuclear lobby tries to justify, through the mouth of President Sarkozy, the sale of deadly technologies, materials and equipment, while pretending to believe that the path that led five nations (including France) from the atomic bomb to the nuclear power plants - and which then led others, secretly, from “civilian” reactors to weapons - is a path that is not at all risky except in the case of Iran. The network will have to show that neither the security nor the sustainable wellbeing of the Mediterranean nations (nor of other nations) requires nuclear technology, whether civilian or military. Their wellbeing lies in developing sustainable energy sources, nearly all derived from the one thermonuclear centre that can ensure life on earth: the sun. Their security lies in denuclearising the region and the planet, for example by making the Middle East and all of Europe nuclear-free zones, as Africa is now. Refusing the division between the civilian and military manifestations of nuclearism, the Mediterranean antinuclear network will have to fight a unified campaign against these two inseparable aspects of the nuclear danger, and to promote existing alternatives to all nuclear technologies. We greet warmly the participants at the 2nd Rhodes Antinuclear Festival, we wish success to its first efforts, and we invite you all to the 3rd RID-NBC Rally (Rally for international disarmament, nuclear, biological and chemical), which is scheduled for 9-11 May, 2008, in Saintes (Western France). There our reflection on these vital questions will continue. ACDN (Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes) Rhodes, September 29th 2007 PROTOCOL OF COOPERATION Preamble Recent developments in the area of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East cause great concern. To the continuous struggle in Iraq, war cries and threats for a nuclear strike are added, because of the Iranian government’s insistence on developing a nuclear program. The publicly confessed possession of nuclear weapons by Israel creates the conditions for proliferation of nuclear weapons in the wider area. Furthermore, an effort for the return of nuclear energy is taking place, under the pretext of countermeasures against global warming and climate changes phenomena. Many countries in the region express, more or less openly, the will to choose the way of installation of nuclear stations in order to solve their energy problems. Definitely a wrong way, a way of high risks, a dead-end. The most effective way of dealing with the nuclear threat is, above all, a matter of the citizens’ will and reaction. One of the basic conclusions of the International Symposium - held in Rhodes, on May 12-13, 2006, with the subject “We have the right to live in a Nuclear-Free world”, with the participation of lecturers from 8 European countries and USA - was that the Anti-Nuclear Movement has the obligation to organize its reaction to the nuclear threat and direct its actions to make that cause effective. Taking the aforementioned into account, the following protocol is signed: Article 1 An International Network of Unions and Organizations (henceforth “the Network”) is founded, consisting of unions or organizations, located and acting in countries around/of the Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Black Sea and Middle East, under the general title “Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood”. The Network’s headquarters are located in Rhodes, Greece. Article 2 Purposes of the Network are: The communication, cooperation and coordination of all the participating organizations, in order to make the actions undertaken against the nuclear threat stronger and more effective. The monitoring and publishing of all recent developments in the fields of nuclear weapons, nuclear power reactors and generally any sector of industrial nuclear activity. The information, sensitization and motivation of citizens towards the substantive cause of the abolition of the nuclear threat against Life, Peace and the Environment. The promotion of the Renewable and Environment-friendly Sources of Energy and the institution of measures for energy preservation, along with the energy saving with the formation of new consumer standards, matters strongly connected to the future of the planet and humanity. Specifically: The transformation of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Balkans and the Middle East into a Zone free from nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. And generally: The conservation of the high ideals of Life and Peace, the protection of the Environment and the Ecological Balance of the Planet, as necessary requirements for the quality of life for the current generation and the generations to come. Article 3 Means for the accomplishment of the Network’s purposes: The creation of a website, under the responsibility of the Secretariat of the Network, as a place of opinion exchange, policy configuration and continuous contact among the members of the Network and the world community. The interventions, announcements, protests, signed petitions, information campaigns, publications, etc. The organization and realization of events, lectures, seminars, educational programs, meetings, conferences, festivals, etc. Any other means judged necessary for the accomplishment of the Network’s purposes, always within the frameworks of Transparency, Democracy and according to International Law and Practice, principles governing the nature of the Network. Article 4 Members of the Network Member of the Network can be any local, regional or national organization, movement, union, or network fulfilling the following conditions: 1. It acts within the borders of any country of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Balkans or the Middle East and agrees with the aforementioned purposes and means, and generally all those described within this Protocol. 2. It includes in its constitutional causes and/or demonstrates through its actions opposition to the use of any form of nuclear energy. For an NGO to become a member of the Network, apart from the constituting members, the NGO has to apply for membership to the Secretariat, the application being accompanied by its constitution and a description of its actions over the last years. The Secretariat rules on the application with a 2/3 majority. Article 5 Network Organs The Organs of the Network are: Plenary Session: The Network’s Plenary Session takes place once a year, in a different country each time, with the participation of delegates from all its member-organizations. The Agenda of the Plenary Session is set by the Secretariat. Additional topics to the Agenda may be added by the delegates. During the Plenary Session, workgroups are formed, with the participation of certain groups of delegates, as established by the Secretariat, after debate with the member-organizations. Special guests of the Network may attend the workgroups. Finally, the last day of the Session, the conclusions of each workgroup are introduced to the Plenary participants for approval. In any case and in order for a workgroup resolution to be included in the final conclusions of the Plenary Session, the resolution must be approved by the Plenary by 2/3 majority. At the end of each Plenary Session, the next Plenary host is selected by the members with a simple majority. Secretariat: The Secretariat composes of a delegate and a substitute delegate from each country with NGOs participating in the Network. The delegates of each country are recommended to the plenary by this country’s member-organizations. Executive Secretariat: The Executive Secretariat is the coordinating and introductory organ of the Secretariat and is composed of the delegate of the country to host the next Plenary and the two delegates of the countries that hosted the last two. In case the Plenary is hosted in the same country as one of the previous two, the third member of the Executive Secretariat is elected among the delegates of the Secretariat. The Executive Secretariat rules and release announcements, in emergency, under consensus. Article 6 Network’s funds The Network’s funds originate from member-organizations. The funds cover the cost of the design and maintenance of the Network’s website, along with the costs of the secretarial support of its organs. The funds are managed by the Secretariat, which also defines the amount of each of the member-organizations contribution. Momentary Provisions for the First Plenary The first Session of the Plenary took place in Rhodes, September 27th to 29th, during the 2nd International Anti-Nuclear Festival of Rhodes (September 25-29, 2007). The Protocol of Cooperation has been ratified and signed during this First Session, as concluded after cooperation among the NGOs participated and are considered as its constituting members. The constituting members and the representatives signing the Protocol, are:
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