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Open Letter to Martine Billard, Eva Joly, Jean-Luc Mélénchon and Pascal Durand: the time for commitment has come

Published 6 May 2013

Saintes, 5 May 2013

Eva, Martine,

I believe that you are marching today, along with Jean-Luc, to call for the French Republic to be re-founded on new more democratic bases, and for the writing of a new constitution giving more power to the people and respecting a certain number of fundamental values, including presumably human rights, citizens’ rights and international law.
Both of you have already signed an Open Letter to the current President of the (5th) Republic asking him to organize a referendum on the question:

« Are you in favour of France participating with the other states concerned in the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, under a system of mutual and international monitoring that is strict and effective ? »


During the presidential campaign, you had already agreed with this by signing the whole text - as did Philippe Poutou - of the Charter for a Livable World, including article 1.2.F which states that:

« We call for the opening of a national debate and the consulting of the French people by referendum on the following question:

« Are you in favour of France participating with the other states concerned in the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, under a system of mutual and international monitoring that is strict and effective ? »


You also endorsed that call, since you signed the Charter for a Livable World. You expressed reservations about some articles, but not about article 1.2.F which you explicitly agreed with.


You are not marching today to call for a « 6th French Republic», although that is something that the party that you represent (EELV Europe Ecologie - Les Verts) is in favour of. But EELV’s Federal Council, on 24 June 2012, adopted unanimously the resolution CF-12-090 which states:

« The Federal Council of 23 & 24 June 2012 asks all its representatives in parliament and in government to do all they can to ensure that a bill or legal proposal is drawn up without delay with a view to establishing a wide debate and a referendum on the following question:

Are you in favour of France participating with the other states concerned in the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, under a system of mutual and international monitoring that is strict and effective ? »

The previous day, Pascal, you were elected national secretary of EELV, and the following day, 25 June, you attended the press conference held near the presidential palace by the two hunger-strikers who were to be (or rather should have been) received by the president’s office to present that request. You came to the press conference to support them.

Eva, Martine, Jean-Luc, Pascal,

Thus all the necessary conditions seem to be in place for your parties to agree - along with the NPA, probably - to present together a request to the President of the (5th) Republic) and his government, a request for a referendum on the precise question formulated above.
I would be grateful to you for taking the necessary steps to make that happen.

- For ACDN
- Jean-Marie Matagne, president
- 06 73 50 76 61

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