ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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Letters from ACDN
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Campaign "The Very Last Atom!"
Gathering for a Livable World




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French Elections
News of the Presidential Campaign

Concerning Nuclear Deterrence and the Survival of Humankind

Mr President-Candidate Macron, Mrs Candidate Le Pen,
As you have certainly norticed, although it’s a subject that you have both carefully avoided, nuclear deterrence is irremediably bankrupt. At least our deterrence, that of France and the West. It has not prevented Vladimir Putin from starting the war that is now ravaging Ukraine at the door of Europe. Nothing scares him. And he, possessing some 6000 atom bombs, does not hesitate to threaten whoever "stands in the way of Russia". Any state (...)

Published 15 April 2022 [ lire la suite ]

France, the Nuclear Ban Treaty and the NPT
Heated Exchange with France’s Minister of Defense

Saintes, 16 November 2020 Subject : Your letter dated 8 October 2020, Attached. : Referendum Bill To Mme Florence Parly, "Ministre des Armées" Madame la Ministre,
I wrote to you back on 18 June 2020 to draw your attention to the shocking contradictions in France’s policy "in the matters of respect for international humanitarian law, and of disarmament, conventional or nuclear."
On 14 September 2020, President Macron thanked me for my letter and said he was drawing your attention to it. (...)

Published 18 November 2020 [ lire la suite ]

Open Letter to President Janus [Macron], Elysée Palace, Paris
Beneath the Mask are Lies and State Terror

Published in French on 23 October 2020,
Saintes, le 22 octobre 2020
Monsieur le Président de la République Subject : Terrorism and State Terror
Last evening, like millions of French people, I was watching my TV and was deeply moved by the national homage paid to Samuel Paty. At the Sorbonne, the very place where I did my philosophy studies, in the courtyard that I knew so well. Samuel Paty, my colleague in "freedom of (...)

Published 24 October 2020 [ lire la suite ]

18 June 2020
Arms Sales and Obfuscation: the Hypocrisy of France

31 October 2018
Letter to President Macron: The Paris Peace Forum and the Question of Disarmament

13 October 2018
Open Letter to Madame de Sarnez, President of the National Assembly’s Commission for Foreign Affairs

3 August 2017
Letter to the President of the French Republic

30 April 2017
Message to Yannick Jadot and the EELV Party concerning their "electoral strategy"

10 February 2017
Open Letter To Benoît Hamon

23 November 2016
France, the People and the Atom Bomb

1 October 2016
Shame on You, Ministers of the Republic...

27 February 2016
The UN should proclaim the Right of People to Survival

24 November 2015
Protection against Nuclear Threats: ACDN writes to the President and the PM.

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