[www.acdn.net] > 1 April 2023: Emmanuel Macron gives the French People a superb present
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1 April 2023: Emmanuel Macron gives the French People a superb present

Published 2 April 2023

ACDN Press release
Published in French on April 1

The following message was received this morning from the Elysée Palace, addressed to ACDN (Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement), and signed by the President of the Republic:

« Touched by your message of 27 March which proposed that Parliament should initiate a double consultation of the French people, concerning the pensions reform and also France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear and radioactive weapons, I have decided, on my own prerogative, to organise two referendums, without waiting for the outcome of the long « shared_initiative » process, since these questions are crucial for the lives of our compatriots. This is, in my view, the best way of initiating the style of government which I intend to follow from now on, in order to respect at the same time social democracy and international law. It will also prove that France, unlike some other states, is not a nuclear dictatorship. I invite you to publicise this good news. »

Voir en ligne : Macron, Poutine : deux hommes dangereux, deux dictatures nucléaires