ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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Campaign "The Very Last Atom!"
Gathering for a Livable World




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French Elections
News of the Presidential Campaign

Towards a 2nd "Disarm to Live" Festival in Saintes on 6-9 August 2024

Since the first Citizens’ Festival "Disarm to Live" (Désarmer pour vivre) was held in Saintes, western France, on ACDN’s initiative, on 6-9 August 2021 during the Covid pandemic, the world has seen wars break out in Ukraine and in the Near East, both of them involving a nuclear power. This is flagrant proof that nuclear weapons do not guarantee peace to anyone or any state, not even those that possess them. On the contrary, they encourage war, with the additional risk that war might extend to (...)

Published 3 February 2024 [ lire la suite ]

Humanity still 90 seconds from the Apocalypse!

Joint Communiqué ACDN-IDN January 23, 2024
In 1947, as the Cold War began, atomic scientists at the University of Chicago created the Doomsday Clock, a fictional clock on which "midnight" symbolizes the end of the world - the one that nuclear weapons could cause. They then placed the big hand at seven minutes to midnight. Its position then fluctuated with international relations, between 2 minutes (1953) and 17 minutes (1991, end of the Cold War).
Since January 2020, scientists (including (...)

Published 23 January 2024 [ lire la suite ]

Concerning the Bombings of Gaza

Media Release published in French on 29 October 2023 On 28 October 2023 the Israeli army reported the bombing of 150 underground sites in Gaza during the night of 27-28 October, as a prelude to its announced land offensive.
These bombings are not new. The first of this kind happened late 2008 to early 2009 during the "Hardened Lead" operation, using American-made bombs delivered to Israel shortly before then by the USA. These were bombs called GBU-39B (Guided Bomb Unit 39B), also called (...)

Published 30 October 2023 [ lire la suite ]

2 April 2023
1 April 2023: Emmanuel Macron gives the French People a superb present

24 February 2023
Take the High Road out of War

25 January 2023
Humankind is only 90 seconds away from Doomsday!

10 January 2023
Wishes for 2023, from ACDN

24 September 2022
How can we neutralise the danger of nuclear arms and nuclear power-plants?

22 September 2022
26 September: The UN’s World Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

15 August 2022
Saintes, 6 August 2022 : Public Ceremony to Abolish Nuclear and Radioactive Weapons

19 March 2022
Ukraine: Ten Demands to Return to Peace

24 February 2022
Nuclear Folly, Military Folly, and now War

28 November 2020
Democratic Emergency

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  • visites :  1273765

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