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vous etes ici Mikhail Gorbachev condemns any unilateral intervention by the USA in Syria, which would be worse than Iraq.
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Mikhail Gorbachev condemns any unilateral intervention by the USA in Syria, which would be worse than Iraq.
Wednesday 4 September 2013

- Wednesday 4 September 2013
- Geneva, from ACDN special correspondent

On Monday 2 September, in his opening speech to the delegates of Green Cross International, Mikhail Gorbachev declared: « It is difficult to do anything positive in Syria. I think that the US President is a genuine democrat, but he has difficulty acting like one. I recall how difficult it was for me. I was criticized for not being sufficiently resolute. Barack Obama is being criticized for the same reasons. If he is not determined enough to drop bombs, I don’t think that’s a bad thing in itself. On the other hand, if he decides to take action without taking account of people’s opinions, the consequences could be dramatic. »

Shortly afterwards, in an exclusive interview given to Swiss Radio & Television, he clarified his points: « I didn’t expect that from Barack Obama. I thought that once he became president it would be easier to work with him. Unfortunately that is not the case.» The journalist then asked: « Would it be a mistake to intervene in Syria today, in your opinion, as in Iraq?». Gorbachev: « It would be worse». « In this matter, are you disappointed with Barack Obama? » - « Not yet. But if he continues down this track, it will be serious. Why should it be his job to intervene? Who is threatening the USA? Who? He is setting himself up as defender of peace the world over. But defending peace is everyone’s job. »

On Tuesday he returned to this subject, emphasizing that to promote respect for international law, one should follow the specified judicial and democratic procedures. That is as much in the interests of the Syrian people as in the international interest, and the international community can unite around that point. « It is wrong to act precipitately in this matter. » He cited the British Parliament’s decision as an example.

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