ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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Published 11 September 2016

Media release, 11 September 2016 -

After 2000 nuclear tests, 210 of them conducted by France, the fifth test by North Korea makes the earth shake and provokes angry words from the international community. The USA, Russia, France, China and the UK, permanent members of the Security Council, are demanding that North Korea renounce its rhetoric and its terror weapons. They fail to mention their own, their infinitely more numerous and much more fearsome weapons, which they nevertheless, for decades, have been required to eliminate.

The North Korean test proves only one thing: that nuclear weapons are ineffective for preventing a dictator from threatening his neighbours and starving his people – just as they have been ineffective for preventing terrorists from massacring American, French or Russian civilians in the heart of their capitals. What then are they useful for? For maintaining in power some leaders full of their own mighty importance, dictators who are not called dictators and don’t even know they are, and maintaining in their shade the military-industrial and nuclear lobbies that run rampant in their own countries and carve up the rest of the world.

Nuclear weapons are the capstone of a global system that divides the world through domination, terror, violence and state crime. They are the weapons of dictators.

Long live the bombs of North Korea - a family dictatorship – and of France, the home of human rights! Kim Jong Un, François Hollande, Putin, Obama – it’s the same hypocrisy, it’s the same struggle!

It is time for us the people to take hold of the issue.
We are the targets.
We the payers.
We the voters.
We the citizens of the world.

Human beings, stand up!


L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui faire un DON

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