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External sources
Letters from ACDN
News Articles

Campaign "The Very Last Atom!"
Gathering for a Livable World




Background papers


French Elections
News of the Presidential Campaign

Safe, affordable and climate-friendly energy for all

The international nuclear lobby, at the invitation of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Prime Minister of Belgium, will hold a nuclear energy summit in Brussels on 21 March 2024. The nuclear lobby camouflages itself beneath a climate-friendly facade, hoping to divert massive sums of money away from real climate solutions, at the expense of people and the planet. The world faces multiple social, environmental and economic crises. People are worried about the cost of living, (...)

Published 21 March 2024 [ lire la suite ]

Israel-Palestine: Peace is unescapable
According to Rami Elhanan and Bassam Aramin

Rami Elhanan is an Israeli Jew, Bassam Aramin a West Bank Palestinian. Each of them lost his daughter by an act of war violence. They met, sympathized, founded the Fighters for Peace, became friends. In his masterful work, Apeirogon, Colum McCann gives them the floor.
Rami Elhanan:
One state, two states, for now it doesn’t matter - we end the Occupation and begin to give dignity to each of us. In my mind, it’s crystal clear. Sometimes, of course, I’d like to be wrong. It would be so much (...)

Published 16 January 2024 [ lire la suite ]

Peace in the World and Peace in the Middle-East
Over 1750 Israelis Call to Stop the Genocide in Gaza
Two Statements, from ACDN and from Israelis Against Apartheid

ACDN News Release, January 13, 2024
On October 7, 2023, Hamas committed a crime against humanity, to which Israel has since responded with another crime against humanity, renewed daily and twenty times more deadly.
After years of apartheid, illegal occupation and non-compliance with UN resolutions, the Israeli government and army are currently imposing intolerable hardships on the Gazan population, and slaughter civilians every day in full view of the world.
In the opinion of many (...)

Published 13 January 2024 [ lire la suite ]

26 December 2023
Mourning the dead, calling for ceasefire and an end to the cycle of violence

28 August 2023
Call by scientists against a new nuclear program

25 February 2022
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: An Illegal War of Aggression

4 June 2021
SIPRI Numbers: New Record Level of Global Military Expenditure – Arms Race Continues

18 January 2021
Time to wrap up the nuclear weapons era!

16 April 2020
Mikhail Gorbachev: When The Pandemic Is Over, The World Must Come Together

2 December 2019
Pope Francis: Not Using Or Possessing Nuclear Weapons Will Be Added To Catechism

3 October 2019
How nuclear power powers the bomb

6 August 2019
Statement by the President of Russia on the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles

1 May 2019
World military expenditure grows to $1.8 trillion in 2018

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