ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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ACDN, What is it ?

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Letters from ACDN
News Articles

Campaign "The Very Last Atom!"
Gathering for a Livable World




Background papers


French Elections
News of the Presidential Campaign

What would a Livable World be like?...

(Article published on 8 November 2013 in the weekly "Haute Saintonge")
That was the central question discussed in Saintes at the « Gathering for a Livable World » on 25-27 October and illuminated by various well-qualified speakers. Before it opened, on 22 October, the film « Harvests of the Future » was screened in the presence of Marie-Monique Robin, a journalist, author, director of some forty documentary films, and recipient of thirty prizes. After the film there was a discussion « Can (...)

Published 14 November 2013 [ lire la suite ]

Gathering for a Livable World - Saintes, 25 -27 October 2013
Register Now!

"Times are hard, and the world is going badly" : we often hear people say that today. Some French citizens were saying that in 2010, but were not content with words. Responding to calls from seven NGOs - ACDN (Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire), ATTAC, the Farmers Confederation, the Human Rights League, the Teachers League, and Nuclear Phase-out Network, and the Foundation for a Human Earth - they organized the “Rally for a Livable World”, which took place in Saintes in (...)

Published 14 October 2013 [ lire la suite ]

For a planet without nuclear weapons
French National Campaign: THE VERY LAST ATOM!
For a referendum to give the French people their say

ACDN (Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament) and MSGSV (Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence - World Without Wars or Violence) launched together this National Campaign on 13 February 2010, at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first official French Atomic Test. They were joined by Friends of the Earth-France.
The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) obliges the states possessing nuclear weapons to eliminate their arsenals. France (...)

Published 10 March 2010 [ lire la suite ]

13 February 2010
50 years of French nuclear weapons, 50 years too many!

6 August 2009
August 8 & 9, 2009: Gathering at Gramat (Lot, SW France)

30 April 2008
3rd Rally for International Disarmament, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical

16 May 2006
2nd Rally for International Disarmament - Nuclear, Biological and Chemical: FINAL REPORT

20 April 2006
2nd Rally for International Disarmament - Nuclear, Biological and Chemical

10 May 2003
The Flame of Nuclear Disarmament burns again at Saintes

10 May 2003
Colloquium on "The whys and hows of exiting from Military and Non-military Nuclearism."

9 May 2003
Second session of the Preparatory Commission (PrepCom) for the quinquennial revision of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

3 May 2003
Annual General Meeting of the international network "Abolition 2000"

28 March 2003
Graeme Allwright sings for ACDN

Most popular articles
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  • "Nicolas Hulot’s resignation is an invitation to change our objectives." (Popularity : 3 %)
  • Over 1750 Israelis Call to Stop the Genocide in Gaza (Popularity : 2 %)
  • Nicolas Sarkozy considering the future role of nuclear weapons in our system of defense (Popularity : 2 %)
  • visites :  1288080

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