ACDN - Action of Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament
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ACDN, What is it ?

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Action of Citizens for the total Dismantling of Nukes
ACDN, What is it?
A non-governmental organisation registered in 1996

Published 9 October 2005

A group acting for disarmament with patience and determination, working with ordinary people, citizens’ groups, the media and elected officials. Numerous representations on this subject to official bodies in France and elsewhere.

The desire to inform citizens everywhere about this vital question and to give them a voice, so that France and all other countries renounce both civilian and military nuclearism.

The Call for a French referendum for France’s active participation in the nuclear weapons abolition under a strict and effective, mutual and international control.

- The petition “World Appeal to Set the Planet Free from All Weapons of Mass Destruction”, signed by numerous personalities and by dozens of NGOs from all continents, adopted by the « Abolition 2000 » network.

- Cultural productions:
+ « Eight hours for nuclear disarmament » (La Rochelle, September 1996);
+ A play: Les Erinyes, ou le Chant des suicideurs (on the nuclear military madness since 1945);
+ Artistic evenings, conferences, debates, exhibitions, publications.

- Participation in numerous national or international campaigns or events, such as the Preparatory Committees and the Review Conferences of NPT.

- The Flame for Nuclear Disarmament lit up in Saintes, May 2001. The welcoming of the Hiroshima World Peace Mission, July 2004.

- Joint actions with various networks: the petition against the sponsoring of the « Défi français » yacht by the nuclear lobby AREVA; the petition for the banning of radioactive weapons; the first national Colloquium on ways to exit from civil and military nuclearism (Saintes, May 2003); participation in the national rally against the EPR and the relaunching of France’s nuclear programme (Paris, 17 Jan 2004) and the « anti-nuclear Tour de France » of Spring 2004.

- Organisation of the 1st Nuclear Disarmament Days (Saintes, May 2001), the 1st, 2nd and 3d Rallies for International Disarmament-Nuclear, Biological & Chemical (RID-NBC) in Saintes (2004, 2006, 2008); the trip in France of the Hiroshima Flame of Peace with the World March for Peace and Non-violence (Nov. 2009); the Etats généraux for a Livable World (Oct. 2011).

- A 42 days Hunger Strike (15 May-26 June 2012) of its President for a referendum in favour of the participation of France in the abolition of nuclear weapons.

- Total independence from existing political parties.

- The concern to be part of a global, free, just and fraternal vision of human relationships, and of a new harmony between humanity and the planet Earth.

Despite the ending of the « Cold War », humanity lives under the constant threat of self-destruction. The Gulf War of 1991 prevented Iraq from acquiring nuclear weapons. In the spring of 2002 India and Pakistan nearly waged a nuclear war. In 2003, the US attacked Iraq citing its weapons of mass destruction as a cause. The US is avowedly ready -as is France- to wage other « pre-emptive wars » for the same reason, and to use nuclear weapons themselves first if they see fit! They are already using Depleted Uranium weapons, which are radioactive and a crime against humanity. They are preparing - as is France - new generations of nuclear weapons. They want to militarise and nuclearise outer space. International terrorism could take a nuclear dimension... Thus, the nuclear threat continues to grow. Do not wait till it is too late! MORE THAN EVER, WE MUST ACT TOGETHER!

ACDN invites you to contact us (see over), and in particular to :
Sign the « World Appeal to Set the Planet Free from All Weapons of Mass Destruction »
Support the international campaign of the « Mayors for Peace » (the « Nagasaki Appeal »)

ACDN needs YOU, ACDN can be YOU!

Join the association. Support it financially. Make a citizen’s commitment!

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