ACDN salutes the demonstrators and joins them in demanding the permanent closure of the EPR site at Flamanville : it is a technical, economic, financial, ecological, sociale and human aberration, it is the most visible manifestation of
an industry that promises us 50 years of misfortune.
ACDN demands also the permanent closure of the Olkiluoto EPR in Finland, a lamentable technological failure, a veritable financial chasm into which French taxpayers pour money via COFACE, as do French and Finnish consumers of electricity ; we demand the abandonment of contracts and cessation of EPR construction work in China ; we demand the immediate suspension of the two EPR construction projects at Hinkley Point C in the UK ; we demand a stop to all solicitations for exporting these monsters.
In addition, ACDN demands that France stop adding arguments for the proliferation of nuclear weapons by permanently modernising her own – in a modernisation programme that costs us 3.6 billion euros per year, and that does not include their upkeep, which will cost us even more in the future, judging by the draft military budget for 2017.
ACDN demands that France honour the Non-Proliferation Treaty she signed in 1992, and respect her commitment to negotiate and ratify with the other states concerned a treaty for the total elimination of their nuclear weapons, under mutual and international control that is strict and effective, and that the French people be consulted by referendum on this precise qustion.
ACDN calls on the government to stop listening to the sirens of the nuclear Lobby, which has held sway in France for decades, which plunders France’s taxpayers, and which leads the world’s peoples, our own in the first place, directly to a catastrophe due to weapons or power-plants.
ACDN calls on the government to not prolong the lives of old nuclear power-plants by patching them up, but instead to euthanise them before they lead us to the tragic fate known by the names of Chernobyl or Fukushima. They need to be closed as soon as possible, and the colossal sums required for their « grand overhaul » (between 100 and 300 billion euros, according to sources) need to be used in the development of alternative energy streams and in financial support for energy savings made by individuals, companies, the State and territorial collectivities.
Lastly, ACDN calls on the Ministers of the Environment and Health to not in any event sign the villainous decree which, in the case of a « radiological emergency » would multiply by 100 the dose of radioactivity deemed acceptable for each one of us : wrongly called « health protection against the dangers resulting from exposure to ionising radiation and for the security of ionising radiation sources against acts of malevolence », it is truly criminal. Shame on you, Ministers of the Republic, if you sign this decree.