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Police Checks at Bure : but what are the public authorities after?
Wednesday 29 July 2015

Media Release from BURESTOP, Tuesday 28 July 2015

Facing an opposition that is not weakening, the forces of order are trying scare tactics.

Searches and controls are intensifying in a disproportionate way around Bure.
Men and women thought to be active in the anti-Cigeo camp of early August seem to be particularly targeted.

Two people have now been detained and one placed on surveillance for 48 hours. He was just a passenger in a car: his only infringement was that he refused to state his identity. For this act of extreme delinquency, he will be judged on 11 August after the VMC camp, and until then he is forbidden to enter the territories of the Meuse and Haute Marne !! Is this a dream or what?!

So is this the “calm and mutually respectful climate” that the Prefect of the Meuse said would characterise the authorities’ approach to the summer camp next week.
This choice to put pressure on participants and activists preparing these gatherings is a strategy of harassment, and if it continues in the days to come it will be a grave error on the Prefecture’s part. We know only too well where this little provocation game can lead: to inciting anger from the men and women engaging in a just struggle — the aim being to push some of them into committing faults that will help discredit the movement.

If that is the goal, then it must be condemned, and if an accident occurs we will know forceful ways of pointing out the true culprits.

We further fear that the installation of this “ultra-policed state” in the region may have another goal: to deliberately create a climate of local intimidation to discourage the inhabitants from joining the campers!

While the government has for 30 years continued to impose this project, without debate and with some shameless buying of consciences, it is urgent that we should put the good questions: on what side is the violence found?

The Burestop Coordination exhorts the authorities to immediately stop this dangerous little game and to let things carry on calmly.

Our country still has a right to gathering and/or protest, and it would be unworthy to use the usual pretext of “threatened security” to stigmatise ou intimidate citizens who dare compaign against CIGEO and the calamitous burial of nuclear waste.

Who is the outlaw party?

Is it Cigéo/BURE imposed without the assent of the populations affected, or is it the discontented citizens? That’s the question to ask!


Contacts presse :
06 22 05 09 24 - 06 86 74 85 11

Cigéo/BURE, make an end to it – Don’t bury nuclear waste, stop producing it!

L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui
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