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THE PLANET MUST SURVIVE ! 2nd Rally for International Disarmament - Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Object, Programme and Registration Form Published 20 April 2006 2nd RALLY FOR INTERNATIONAL DISARMAMENT (NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL) RID - NBC SAINTES, FRANCE, 6, 7, 8 May 2006 Why this Rally ?It is more than ever justified now, at the time of the very disturbing “Iran Nuclear Dossier” which threatens - unless a diplomatic solution is found - to herald a new conflagration in the Middle East, a region already burning and bloody. The use of nuclear weapons is part of the “options” openly envisaged by US strategists. A growing dangerDespite the end of the “Cold War”, humankind lives permanently under the threat of some 30 000 nuclear weapons, most of which are 10 times more powerful that the two bombs which razed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a few seconds in 1945. Thousands of them are on “hair trigger alert”, ready to be launched towards their targets. At any moment, by accident or by human choice, they could provoke an immense catastrophe and make the planet uninhabitable. Since 1945, these arms have not ceased to proliferate. The USA was then the only nation to have them. Today at least 8 more nations have joined, in this order: Russia, UK, France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea. About forty nations are nuclear-capable. The “official” nuclear states (the first five), who happen to be members of the UN Security Council, tried to shut the door behind themselves but in vain. The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was meant to do this, but it failed. The bankruptcy of the NPTConceived and signed in 1968 by the USA, USSR and UK, the NPT entered in to force in 1970, and almost all states - not including Israel, India and Pakistan - joined it subsequently (France did only in 1992). It is the most universal of treaties, but it is drifting into perilous waters. The non-nuclear states, in exchange for agreeing to never obtain nuclear arms, were promised two things: access to nuclear technologies with the right to develop them “for peaceful purposes”; and the elimination of the existing nuclear weapons by the five nuclear states. Alas, the latter have never kept their promise. Not once have they met even to begin to negotiate the implementation of it. They tell others what not to do, but they don’t do what they themselves promise. Besides, the “civilian” technologies promised by the NPT and the IAEA provided various countries (and continue to provide) the means to develop nuclear weapons - for example North Korea which withdrew from the NPT in 2002, just at the time it obtained nuclear weapons. There is a kind of equation: “moral” motive + technical means + political will = proliferation. War seen as a « solution »The Gulf War of 1991 made possible the destruction of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program. In the spring of 2002, India and Pakistan nearly waged nuclear war. In 2003, the USA invaded Iraq on the pretext of its “weapons of mass destruction” - which were in fact already destroyed. Using this argument, the US leaders say they are ready to engage in other “preventive wars” - e.g. against Iran - and ready to make first use of nuclear arms, even against a state not possessing any (or presumed not to...). These are “concepts” that Jacques Chirac proclaimed in his speech of 19 January 2006, and which “Europe” seems to admit. Besides, the USA has since 1991 been using weapons containing DU (depleted uranium), a crime against humanity perpetrated virtually in silence. The USA wants to militarise and nuclearise outer space. Russia and China are marching close behind. France is modernising her arsenal. Etc. As for terrorism, this cannot be deterred by these weapons, and it threatens to become atomic (with either nuclear or radiobiological weapons), either if terrorists get them on the black market or if they attack nuclear plants and nuclear facilities or the transporting of fissile materials. The only alternative : the phasing-out of military and non-military nuclearismThe most urgent task is to analyse the situation now, one year after the failure of the 7th NPT Review Conference and during the “Iran Crisis” (and the Iraq one), so as to identify an alternative and ways to act to eliminate all these weapons of mass destruction, and to open a path to a peaceful world that is nuclear-free, equitable... and sustainable. The 2nd RID-NBC is devoted to this. Do you share this concern? Come along, or support our Rally. The Rally takes place under the high patronage of Mikhail Gorbachev, Michel Rocard, and Ségolène Royal. It has received support from the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the city of Saintes, the Poitou-Charentes Region, the international « Abolition 2000 » network and the « Nuclear Phasing-out» network. Conducted in French and in English (via interpreters) it includes messages from the representatives of international NGOs like Greenpeace, Green Cross, and Pugwash, from national NGOs from several continents, and from victims of nuclear radiation. Whether in person or still detained in Israel, Mordechai Vanunu will be the guest of honor. The Rally will be preceded by an International Concert for Peace, on Friday 5 May at 8.30 pm, with the Japanese traditional music group MIYABI and the French-Chilean singer Gabriela Barrenchea. It is still possible to register for the RID-NBC (subject to places being available), or to support it financially (with cheques made out to: « ACDN ») by contacting: Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (ACDN) Information, Rally registrations: (++) 33 6 73 50 76 61 (11-12 and 17-18, French time) 2nd Rally for International Disarmament - Nuclear, Biological and ChemicalSaintes (France) 6-8 May 2005 Defitive programme Sessions open to the public, with priority given to enrolled participants Friday 5 May :- 2-6pm: Welcome for participants. - 8.30pm: Concert for Peace with the Japanese traditional music group MIYABI and the French-Chilean singer Gabriela Barrenchea Book at the Office de tourisme 05 46 74 23 82 Saturday, 6 May:In the Saintonge Building (Salles Saintonge): - 8am: Welcome and registration, with a “coffee for solidarity”. - 9am sharp: Opening Session: welcomes and presentation of the working program. - 9 30: Workshops, Series A: 9 30: “Where has the planet got to?” - 11 30: Official Inauguration in the Saintonge Auditorium - 2 30pm: Workshops, Series B: “What solutions for a living Earth?” - 5 pm: Debate: “Civilian and military nuclear research: the Iran dossier.” Invited speakers: His Excellency the Ambassador to France of the Islam Republic of Iran, and His Excellency the ambassador of France to the Conference on Disarmament. - 8 30pm in the Saintonge Auditorium: Agent Orange, nuclear tests, Gulf War, biological weapons, Depleted Uranium weapons: explanations and testimonies from victims. Invited speaker: HE the Vietnamese Ambassador to France. Sunday 7 May:- 10am: Workshops, Series C: “Replacing fear with peace and cooperation” - 2.30 pm in the Saintonge Auditorium: Screening of two films by Wladimir Tchertkoff “ Le sacrifice” (24m) and “Polémiques nucléaires” (50m), followed by a discussion in the presence of the film-maker. - 5pm: in the Saintonge Auditorium: Invited speakers: His Excellency the Israeli Ambassador to France, and His Excellency the ambassador of France to the Conference on Disarmament. With the hoped-for participation of Mordechai Vanunu. - 8 30pm: Panel: "The responsibilities of scientists, politicians and citizens". With Dr Shriram Ram Verma (India), Prof. Ivo Slaus (Croatia), Alexander Likhotal (Russia), Susi Snyder (USA), Michèle Rivasi and Jean-Marie Matagne (France) Monday 8 May:Day commemorating the armistice of 1945 (the end of World War II in Europe) - 9am: Signings and dedications, with Jean-Henry Bouffard, Jean-Claude Lucazeau, Jean-Marie Matagne, Jean-Pierre Morichaud, Alain Paillou, Xavier Renou, Henri Texier, Wladimir Tchertkoff... - 9 30: Workshops Series D: “Our means of action as citizens” - 11 30: Public Ceremony : planting of the “Hiroshima Tree" - 2pm: Plenary session. Summing-up of work done and decisions for action. - 4 30pm: Closing of the Rally Content of the Workshops(Bilingual workshops each of 2h duration)- Series A: Armament, disarmament, current conflicts, regions at risk: What is the state of play on the planet? - Series B: Civilian and military nuclearism, is that our destiny? What solutions are there to retain a living planet? - Series C: Proliferation, deterrence, terrorism, violence, star-wars and Big Brother... Replacing fear with peace and cooperation. - Series D : The chief actors in disarmament and their means of action. The role of Europe and the other continents. What’s to be done by citizens? If you wish to participate, we urge you to register as soon as possible. To download and print the leaflet for the 2nd RID-NBC ( 2 pages ): To register for the 2nd RID-NBC, please use the registration form below For more precisions or special conditions, please write to: Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (ACDN) 31 Rue du Cormier 17100 SAINTES (FRANCE) Fax: (++) 33 5 46 74 08 60 Tel: (++) 33 6 73 50 76 61 2nd RID-NBC - Saintes (France), 6-8 May 2006 REGISTRATION FORM SURNAME.......................................... OCCUPATION.............................................. ADDRESS................................................. PHONE...............................MOBILE................................. [_] I sign and support the World Appeal to set the planet free from all weapons of mass destruction [_] in my own name [_] in the name of the following NGO, group or association: .................................................................................................................................... [_] I register for the whole of the RID and pay a contribution to expenses of [_] 30 €* low income or special rate for confirmed speakers: [_] 10 € * (Since the number of places is limited, priority will be given to registrations for all 3 days, in order of arrival.) [_] I register for the following day:...............................and pay 15 € * [_] I would like to speak in a workshop on the following subject:.................................................. [_] I book...............seat(s) for the concert of Friday 5 May at 8.30pm [_] I attach a separate cheque of ............€ * (Seat prices : 12 €. [_] I contribute a donation of.................................€ * [_] I wish to be lodged in the Saintes Youth Hostel (rooms with 4 beds: 15 € per night including breakfast). I reserve.........places for the night of [_] 5 to 6 May [_] 6 to 7 May [_] 7 to 8 May and I pay 15 € x .........= ...............€ * (payment essential when reserving) [_] I am looking after my own accommodation (for list of hotels see : http://www.ot-saintes.fr) [_] Because of transfer difficulties, I will pay the total sum of .. . . . . . . . . . . . € when I arrive at the Rally on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Participants are welcome on Friday afternoon, 5 May) * Cheques to be made out to: "ACDN" Please email us this form immediately at: contact@acdn.net, then post it to: ACDN - Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire 31 Rue du Cormier 17100 SAINTES (FRANCE) ACDN Website: http://www.acdn.net For further details and enquiries email us at: contact@acdn.net
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