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Petition to France’s President and Parliament
Let’s Disarm to Avoid the Apocalypse and Build a Better World

Published 21 April 2020

- While the whole world is mobilising against the coronavirus pandemic,
- While millions of citizens of all nations are answering the call of the UN secretary-general for a ceasefire in all wars,
- While climate change is threatening the planet’s equilibrium and the survival of humankind,
- While the most elementary needs of millions of human beings are not being met,

France, the world’s third arms-vendor after the USA and Russia, continues to make, sell and export weapons to nations at war.

France and eight other states armed with atomic weapons spend stupendous sums on preparing a nuclear war which could, at any moment, wipe out humankind.

France has spent hundreds of millions on manufacturing atomic bombs and missiles, and is spending 14.5million euros per day – 37 billion from now to 2025 – on making new ones.

France, the « Home of Human Rights », deems it necessary to be able to kill a million people with her 300 H-bombs.

France, a defender of International Law, has since 1992 flouted Article VI of the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) which obliges her to negotiate with the other states concerned the elimination of all their nuclear weapons..

France, on 31 March 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, simulated a nuclear strike in the skies over Brittany, using a missile 20 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima on 6 August 1945.
In the operation named “Poker”, some Phenix aircraft, which a few days earlier had carried coronavirus patients, took part in the simulated massacre of millions of people.

We do not want this two-faced France, one side fraternal, the other criminal.

We want her foreign policy and her defense policy to respect her republican motto, her values, and her constitution.

According to an IFOP poll, 85 % of French citizens want their nation to take part in the abolition of nuclear and radioactive weapons. They also want to be consulted and heard on this vital question.

For these reasons we ask:

- The President of the Republic :

o to stop France’s arms exports

o to suspend the operations of the arms factories until further notice

o to suspend all military manœuvres related to nuclear weapons

o to invite all the states concerned to negotiate the complete controlled elimination of all nuclear and radioactive weapons.

- The MP’s and Senators :

o to cosign the Bill, already signed by 43 parliamentarians, aimed at organising a referendum on France’s participation in the abolition of nuclear and radioactive weapons.

o to launch a great national debate on the abolition of arms of extermination (nuclear, biological, chemical and new-technology) and on so-called “conventional” disarmament, as a means for building a new world after the coronavirus crisis, a world of peace, a free, just and fraternal world.

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