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Crime against Humanity in Gaza
A complaint of 350 NGOs

Published 28 January 2009

The Action of Citizens for the Dismantling of Nukes (ACDN) has formally associated itself with a complaint lodged on 22 January at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, wherein the lawyer Gilles Devers charges on behalf of 350 NGOs that war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed by the Israeli leaders and commanders in the Gaza Strip in the days following 27 December 2008 during the offensive known as "Operation Cast Lead".

ACDN accuses the Israeli government and army more specifically of using in Gaza weapons alleged to contain Depleted Uranium - GBU-39 guided bombs - without taking account of their immediate and long-term effects on civilians. This allegation, based on information that ACDN has been able to gather, is subject to confirmation by reliable and rigorous investigations being conducted on the spot. These bombs also use a new explosive which has particularly horrible and inhumane effects, Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME), which might by itself give rise to talk of a crime against humanity.

This legal action should not be in any way interpreted as implying approval by ACDN of the thousands of rockets and mortars fired in the last eight years from the Gaza Strip into the southern part of Israel. Those violent acts of harassment have caused several deaths and injuries among the Israeli population and have tested their nerves severely. But the totally illegal blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip since June 2007 caused a greater number of victims in the Palestinian population, and was likewise unacceptable.

We can say in any case, and without looking backwards to Biblical times, that nothing could justify the massacre of the people in Gaza during "Operation Cast Lead", at a time when they were confined in a small area and could not flee from the bombardments. The weapons and methods used by the Israeli forces in the guise of "clean war" and "surgical operation" are as dirty as can be and can even justify talk of "genocide".

The state of Israel is always on a war footing and has fought many wars. Every war is one too many, but this war is absolutely intolerable. This time, Israel will have to be held to account. And will have to make peace, for good. These are things which some courageous people in Israel have raised their voices to say. They need to be heard.

ACDN Press Release, 28 January 2009

Read Gideon Spiro, The Death Cult

and Michel Warschawsky, Not in Their Name, Not in Ours

Auschwitz, Gaza. Crimes against Humanity. Look at

L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui faire un DON

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