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Israel is destroying Lebanon.
Calling for a cease-fire

Published 23 July 2006

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Calling for a cease-fire
July 23rd, 2006

Israel is destroying Lebanon. It has no right to do so.

Children, women, innocent civilians are being killed by the Israeli attacks.
Entire families are being chased out of their home villages. Bridges, roads, airports, ports, highways, energy plants and communication networks are being pounded to the ground. The whole country has been cut off from the rest of the world.

We, Lebanese people, are sad, we are suffering, we are angry, we are determined and mobilized to work together towards saving our nation.

Israel’s initiative is an unfair disproportionate inflicted upon Lebanon for the wrong reasons: what is happening today goes beyond the issue of a prisoners exchange.

Lebanon is in despair: it’s a humanitarian and economic disaster.

We call for an immediate cease-fire under the auspices of the UN,

We call for the establishment of the government’s sovereignty on all Lebanese territory in cooperation with the UN,

We call for your help to pressure Israel to stop its attacks.
Help us achieve it as soon as possible.

So that Lebanon will survive. Lebanon will survive.

L'argent est le nerf de la paix ! ACDN vous remercie de lui faire un DON

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